Subcommittees For 11 Areas Of Service Activity
The PI/CPC Committee has formed 11 subcommittees for outreach to various target audiences; this may suggest areas of service activity for you to investigate.
LITERATURE: Provide brochures, pamphlets, information cards, and supplies in support of subcommittee activities; assemble and distribute Literature Holders containing info for general and specialized audiences.
OUTSIDE EVENTS: Participate in events held by private, government, and faith-based organizations; examples include Health Fairs and the annual Art of Recovery Expo.
COMMUNITY SERVICES: Contact organizations involved with civic services; this includes School Boards, Police and Fire Departments (Second Responders), and Veterans Organizations (like VFW).
EDUCATION: Contact private and public educational institutions (High Schools, Colleges, Universities) and other organizations involved with education (such as Public Libraries).
FAITH LEADERS (CLERGY): Contact multicultural spiritual organizations; this includes denominational and non-denominational religious/spiritual centers of all kinds (Churches, Mosques, Synagogues, Temples).
FELLOWSHIP: Contact AA members to educate and inform them about PI/CPC activities and how they can carry the message wherever they go; encourage participation in PI/CPC Subcommittees.
GOVERNMENT SERVICES: Contact organizations involved with government services; this includes City/County Departments and Military Organizations (including National Guard, Veterans Administration).
HEALTH SERVICES: Contact organizations involved with health services; this includes Health Departments at all levels, Nursing Agencies, Senior Centers/Groups, and Professional Associations.
LEGAL AND CORRECTIONS: Contact individuals and organizations involved with legal matters; this includes Courts, Department of Corrections, Parole, Probation, Professional Associations, Sole Practitioners.
MEDIA: Ask TV/radio stations and social media to run free PSAs (Public Service Announcements), and offer to participate anonymously in news stories; ask newspapers/magazines to provide free ads and announcements.
SEASONAL: Contact facilities that provide services for winter season residents (“Snow Birds”); this includes RV Parks and Homeowner Associations (HOA).